I like to think of myself as a guy that likes to pursue my passions like anybody else. I have a beautiful wife and son whom I make my life with in New Jersey. I like to write software for a living and I am always keeping myself busy with projects around the house.
For leisure I enjoy learning about how to improve on myself and family by learning new things - I like to go outside and enjoy nature. I like to go fishing when I can!
I enjoy writing software and mainly like working with compiled languages, mainly C# or Java. But I do not limit myself there. I like working with GO, Python, and even JavaScript as well. I’m pretty agnostic to the language of choice, so long as you can apply basic computer science to it and follow SOLID principles with it.
Over the past several years I would say I’ve been primarily writing software with an SOA approach, and very recently I’ve been belting out a lot of microservices at work leveraging the .Net Core framework.